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6/28/2021 - Treatment


Mama woke us up early today, I didn't mind much, it usually means we are going to do something fun. After breakfast we loaded into the car, me and Kazi, and went to my favorite beach. The tide was the lowest we've ever seen it, we got to explore parts of the beach that have always been covered in water, that was fun! Most of the time I was there I felt anxious. There is a booming sound I hear sometimes and it really scares me. When this happens I stay really close to my Mama and walk right by her side, even though I am shaking. We weren't there long, Mama said we had to go somewhere else. We were back at the vet :-/

I don't love the vet but Mama tells me it is to help me and that it's okay to be scared and brave together. I really don't like it there, the nurses told Mama I was anxious during my treatment. I had chemo today, Mama's said it might help me live longer. We will try it, Mama says I don't have to do it if it feels real bad. When it was finished I was happy to see Mama and Kazi, it was nice to have a friend with me. The doctor said everything looked good today. We are hopeful.

After chemo Mama got us a donut, it didn't have bacon but it still had cheese. We ate that at home and shared it with Georgia. I love my sisters.

It was sooooo hot today, Mama said we had to be inside today. It was over 100. I like laying in the sun but Mama says it's not good for us, even though I go in my hole I dug under the deck. After the sun went down Mama H took us for a walk across the street. It was short but we always love going over there. Can't wait to see what adventures tomorrow brings.

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